Tuesday, August 5, 2008


We live in a country with 300 million Americans and the majority of them are hard working honest people who love this country. The rest of them are criminals, cons, and home grown terrorists. Did I leave anybody out? Yes I did.  I left out the partisan political pundits (who are more concerned with the promotion of their next book than speaking the truth to the American people), partisan politicians, partisan bloggers, partisan columnists, and the pure capitalists that live and thrive among us and masquerade themselves as patriots.

But first, when did Republicans get a monopoly on patriotism? When networks hire these "so-called" experts and commentators to discuss important issues that affect so many lives you would think the "experts" would put the country first - not their partisan views that only represent half the country at best.

When are we going to wake up and demand that our leaders sit down and compromise on these issues? When are we going to look in the mirror and realize that our way isn't the only way? When are we going to understand that what is best for America is to put American interests first. Now that might mean we have to work a little harder or be inconvenienced a bit or that corporations will make 7 billion a quarter instead of 10 billion.
It will also mean Sean Hannity, Lou Dobbs, and Keith Olbermann would all be out of a job. Which may be good for America, because all of them spew half truths and incomplete facts about the other side to push their agenda.

Look at it like this, if we were overseas in a jam in a foreign country, I would be your best friend. Not because we look the same or have the same political ideology or not even because you like me, but because I am an American.

We are Americans! And until we understand that fact and stop putting money, power, and closed-minded principles ahead of that fact we will continue to wonder why we can't solve our problems. If Brazil can solve their energy crisis why the hell can't America.

A politician that can evolve on an issue after obtaining more facts or recognizing a shift in the urgency is not a flip flopper he\she is putting America first.

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A penny for your thoughts, a nickel for a kiss, and a dime if someone can bring back liberty.

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