Monday, November 30, 2009
The Penny Institute needs your pennies.....
The Penny Institute needs your pennies. The Penny Institute wants to bring change to more communities and impact more lives and we CAN do that with your help. We're asking all the friends of The Penny Institute to please send a check for $25 dollars today to help us continue our efforts. We thank you in advance for all of the support that you continue to provide for this organization.
Please make your checks out to The Penny Institute and mail to Post Office Box 521 Washington, DC 20044.
Brian Taylor
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
America: We not Me
Part I
When President Obama was sworn in as our 44thPresident he promised to usher in an age of bipartisanship in Washington that mirrored the Reagan era. While I am a patient man I am still waiting on that era to begin. To be fair the President cannot be held completely accountable for this not taking shape in the Nation's Capitol or in red or blue states throughout the country. The Republicans and Democrats in Congress are still insisting on settling old scores and carrying on the destructive nature of partisan politics.
The healthcare debate (for example) has developed into a complete partisan battle. As a citizen, I am wondering if there is an issue that is too important, too urgent, and too essential to the fabric of America that would drive our politicians to put partisanship aside and do what is right for the American people. Obviously, throughout history there are examples of our leaders putting their political ideologies aside to do what was best for most Americans, but the ones that stand out all center around tragedy and war.
Until now.....
Recently, I learned about the Race to the Top Fund. The Race to the Top Fund is a federal program administered by the Department of Education which will reward states that have raised student performance in the past and have the capacity to accelerate achievement gains with innovative reforms. The amazing thing about this initiative is its proponents. First, there is the Secretary of Education, Arne Duncan (D) then, former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich (R) as well as civil rights leader Al Sharpton (D). This program gives $4.3 billion in discretionary funds to Secretary Duncan to distribute to states, schools districts, and non-profits.
While this is not the fall of the Berlin Wall it is a great example of political leaders with the belief that working together to prevent 1.2 million Americans from dropping out of school each year is more important than their political ideology. We live in a time where partisan politics is way of life, but if nothing changes it will also be a way of death-death of America as we know it. This country has enemies and they don't care if you are Democrat, Republican, or Independent. They want you dead as long as you are an American.
I am not suggesting you leave your political party or end the political party system, but what I am saying is that it is time we put America first not a political party or a dollar. The executives on Wall Street are a perfect example of Me not We. America is about We not Me. Remember, America is the only country that is built around an idea. All other countries are built around a religion, an ethnic group, or a culture. We have a Constitution that says "We the People". This country is great only when we focus on We not Me.
"If you give us a penny we will give you change"
Friday, November 20, 2009
The Penny Institute on POTUS
November 20, 2009 202-271-6974
Brian E. Taylor founder of The Penny Institute gives insight on navigating the political process. The Penny Institute empowers citizens to get involved and make an impact in their community.
WASHINGTON, DC (November 21, 2009) - On Saturday, November 21stat 7am, 1pm, 7pm and 1am EST Sunday morning Brian E. Taylor founder of The Penny Institute will join XM/SIRUS POTUS: "The New School" hosted by Charles D. Ellison to talk about how citizens can become more involved in the political process along with today's hottest political topics.
Taylor founded The Penny Institute as a nonpartisan-nonprofit organization to teach average Americans how to navigate national, state and local politics. While working around the country on political campaigns and lobbying for different issues, Taylor identified a need to empower Americans on both sides of the isle.
"We're grateful to have Brian on The New School," said Charles Ellison. "Several Americans want to get involved in the political process, but because it often appears partisan and out of reach, they remain stranded on the sidelines. Brian and his team at The Penny Institute are doing their part to get Americans educated and in the game."
Listeners can join the conversation on Saturday, November 20, 2009 at 7am, 1pm, 7pm and 1am Sunday morning EST. Check us out by logging on to or
To learn more about the Penny Institute visit <> < <> >.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
If You give Us a Penny We Will give You Change...
"Everybody can be great because anybody can serve."
-- Martin Luther King, Jr.
"Just because we cannot do everything for everyone does not mean we should do nothing for anyone."
-- Bill Clinton
"Nothing worth gaining is ever gained without effort. The people who say that they have no time to attend to politics are simply saying that they are unfit to live in a free community."
-- Theodore Roosevelt
"The better educated our citizens are, the better equipped they will be to preserve the system of government we have. And we have to start with the education of our nation's young people. Knowledge about our government is not handed down through the gene pool. Every generation has to learn it, and we have some work to do."
--Sandra Day O'Connor, the former Supreme Court justice
"Government is the people's business and every man, woman and child becomes a shareholder with the first penny of tax paid."
--Ronald Reagan
Contact The Penny Institute today to become the change you want to see in your community.