Republican Presidential Nominee John McCain has a long prominent career on a host of issues, but it goes without saying foreign policy has been his strong suit. Because it's his strong suit he has attacked Senator Barack Obama for not being ready to lead and his lack of experience. Some may even say those attacks have closed the gap between the two candidates. Now we all know all is fair in love and politics, but it is nauseating to watch the Republican surrogates and conservative pundits try to manufacture experience for the Republican Vice-Presidential nominee Governor Sarah Palin.
Some of the surrogates seem so caught off guard by the selection that they are having a hard time defending her record and wondering if the unthinkable happens will she be ready to lead on day one. This, by the way, was the standard bearer that Senator John McCain adopted from Senator Hilary Clinton during the Democratic primary. If you want to say Senator Barack Obama is not qualified fine, but if he isn't Governor Sarah Palin damn sure isn't. And don't give me this Governor's Executive experience rhetoric, because if she has more experience than Senators Barack Obama and Joe Biden combined because she is a Governor them she has more than Senator John McCain as well.
These past two weeks got me thinking about a bigger problem within our country......Hypocrisy!!
The citizens of this country sit back and listen to the pundits, politicians, and partisan media chastise the other party's actions when they know they have done the same thing in the past. When one party is in the majority the minority is obstructionist and the minority views the majority as a do nothing majority. There are countless examples of the hypocrisy and of course in the end the American people lose.
All this leads me back to the Democratic and Republican conventions. I will admit both were very inspiring, but they both were also misleading. Mitt Romney has the nerve to talk about stopping Al Gore from flying in a private plane!!! How many plans does Mitt have (not to mention houses)?? Chairman Howard Dean still proclaims Senator McCain wants to keep us fighting in Iraq for 100 years. Mayor Giuliani, Senator Joe Lieberman, and Governor Palin outright lying when they say Senator Barack Obama hasn't had any major legislative accomplishment or that he has never reached across party lines. And Senator Kerry and many other Democrats expressing that Senator McCain is a clone of President Bush. He is a little different.
I can hear my friends in DC saying that this is just the way it is. Well I find that way of thinking ignorant and antiquated. If you subscribe to this policy you are part of the problem not the solution. And clearly anybody who thinks this way does not have the best interest of the American people in mind. We are all charged as citizens with the responsibility to make a more perfect union.
I ask the American people not to be seduced by the hypocrisy that is our American political system.
Now the real debate begins.
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"If you give me a penny for your thoughts, I'll give you change"